
Goodwill is not a depreciating asset

Under the India Income Tax Act, 1961 (IT Act), there are prescribed depreciation rates for different categories of assets, called the ‘block of assets’ – which contain both tangible and intangible assets. The rates are applicable on the written down value (WDV) of the block of assets. As regards intangible assets, the IT Act provides…


Bombay High Court: Copyright registration of a label not mandatory

SSPL claimed that NTC was using similar trade dress and labelling for soya bean oil products NTC claimed that SSPL did not own the copyright for the label artwork The court dismissed NTC’s argument that copyright registration is mandatory to maintain an action under the Copyright Act The parties in Sanjay Soya Private Limited v…


Copyright office Digitize its Services

The official website of the Copyright Office https://copyright.gov.in/ has been modernized, making it more user-friendly. The website now provides several new functionalities, including Status of copyright applications Search facility Information relating to applications received Applications in which a copy of work has to be submitted post-e-filing of the applications Details of applications listed for hearings, etc. The…


Delhi High court protects Right to Be Forgotten (RTBF)

The concept of RTBF has arisen from the desires of individuals to determine the development of their life autonomously, without being perpetually or periodically stigmatized because of a specific action performed in the past. The proponent of free speech questions whether creating a right to be forgotten would decrease the quality of the Internet through…


Crisis of covid vaccines and role of Patents

India is under the second wave of covid-19 facing a major public health crisis. There is a rush among people from all walks of life to get vaccinated as the Government has opened the vaccination for 18-44 years (until now, vaccination was only being provided to 45 and older). This immediately brought into focus India’s…


Deception of Greenwashing

Today, the young consumer’s expectations from the brands they buy are beyond good quality products. The millennials globally expect brands to do good in the world. The consumers hope that the brands resonate with their values and care about the environment, produce products responsibly without harming natural resources, and at the same time uplift the…


Top 10 tips for brands in the Fashion Industry

You cannot protect ideas from being copied. The idea in your mind cannot be protected; however, the representation of your ideas in tangible form is what is protectable. E.g. If you have plans on organizing a theme party and you share your detailed thoughts with a friend, who ends up executing the same theme and…


Business Continuity and Covid

You would have come across news reports of India severely hit by Covid infections and grappling with the situation. National and International health authorities are actively engaged in monitoring the spread of the virus in India and providing care and adequate facilities to those affected. We understand that this uniquely challenging pandemic and its repercussions…


India remains on USTR 301 watch list

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) recently released Annual Special 301 report on the adequacy and effectiveness of U.S. trading partners’ protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. As part of this exercise, USTR reviewed more than one hundred trading partners for this year’s Special 301 Report and placed thirty-two (32) of…