
The Stringent Deadlines of the Patent System

The Indian patent system works on several deadlines throughout the patent prosecution cycle. While some of the deadlines are extendible, there is no flexibility in others, and as a result, missing them can result in the abandonment of the patent application. Thus, compliance with the statutory deadlines is critical to safeguard exclusive rights over the…


Delhi High Court Confirms Internet Downloaded Evidence is Admissible

In its recent judgment ‘Excitel Pvt. Ltd. vs. The Registrar of Trade Marks’, the Delhi High Court has addressed the admissibility of internet extracts as evidence in trademark proceedings before the Trademarks Office. The Court observed that rejecting internet or website extracts as evidence of use of a mark in trademark proceedings on the ground…


Delhi High Court allows the sale of allegedly infringing goods to balance equities and maintain public interest

Alkem Laboratories Ltd (Alkem) has approached the Delhi High Court seeking permission to sell the existing stock of the product ‘ALDIGESIC PAIN RELIEF’ pending the final case decision. Laborate Pharmaceuticals India Ltd (Laborate) alleged that Alkem’s product packaging of ‘ALDIGESIC’ product was similar to the product sold by them under the mark ‘LABDIC RELIEF’. The…


Honest and Concurrent Use – A Defence against Trademark Infringement Claim

This post covers a recent judgement of the Delhi High Court titled ‘KEI Industries Limited vs. Raman Kwatra & Anr.’ that focuses upon the issue- whether honest and concurrent use can be asserted as a defence against trademark infringement. The Plaintiff (KEI Industries) filed the suit against the Defendants alleging trademark infringement against use of…


Tips for brand owners to navigate India’s IP landscape

To attract investment from companies and IP holders to manufacture and distribute their products in India and to assure brand owners that their rights are safeguarded, the Indian government has taken several steps to streamline enforcement procedures. The setting up of commercial courts to deal with IP disputes and, recently, establishing the IP Division at…


Google Ads program under scrutiny by the Delhi High Court

Google AdWords Program (now known as Google Ads) is a cause for consternation among brand owners. The keywords offered by Google as part of the Google Ads program, on which advertisers can bid, includes trademarks. As a result, the trademark owners and their competitors can bid for the keywords linked to the Google search algorithm…


V-Guard and Crompton battle out over ‘Pebble’

An engaging tussle between two well-known entities operating in the electrical consumer goods industry over the word ‘Pebble’ being used as a sub-brand has reached the Delhi High Court. V-Guard Industries Ltd (V-Guard) filed the suit alleging trademark infringement, passing off, etc., against Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Limited (Crompton), seeking an injunction from using the…


Coveted well-known trademark status conferred on DHL mark

In DHL International GmbH v DLH Express Services Private Ltd (22 April 2022), the IP Division of the Delhi High Court has not only restrained the use of a deceptively similar mark and logo, but also declared DHL to be a well-known mark. The conflicting marks are depicted below: Background DHL asserted rights in the trademark and…


Gujrat High Court upholds whimsicality of the design

Design of an AC starter switch depicted below is bone of contention between the parties.   Gelco Electronics Pvt. Ltd (Gelco) filed the suit at the Gujrat High Court against the Defendant, Ellico Controls Pvt. Ltd, (Ellico) alleging registered design infringement and passing off. The injunction application filed by Gelco is being considered by the court….