
Revocation Petition Maintainable though no Live Patent Subsisting

I.A. 7635/2024 and I.A. 46685/2024IN C.O.(COMM.IPD-PAT) 38/2022 Background The Petitioner, Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd., is engaged in manufacturing and marketing diverse pharmaceutical products, including anti-diabetic drugs. The Respondent no. 2, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, is a company organized under the laws of Germany and is involved in developing, manufacturing, and marketing pharmaceuticals worldwide,…


Delhi High Court Cancels Trademark and Copyright Registrations for “PHENSERYL”

The Delhi High Court has ruled in favor of Opella Healthcare Group (“Petitioner”) in its bid to protect its mark “PHENSEDYL.” The dispute revolved around the Respondent’s (Vaibhav) mark “PHENSERYL” and its associated artistic work, which the Petitioner argued were deceptively similar to their well-known trademark. The Petitioner has also obtained an injunction from the…


IP firm seeks to restrain former employees from disclosing confidential information

The case highlights that apart from claims of ‘trade secrets’ and ‘confidential information’ the attorneys working with a law firm are bound by attorney client communication being privileged and cannot be divulged to a third party under any circumstances. Sharing such information and communication would not only be unethical but also a breach of the…


Zydus Wins Injunction Against Alder in “BIOCHEM” Trademark Case

Zydus Healthcare Ltd. (“Zydus”) and Alder Biochem Pvt. Ltd. (“Alder”) are at loggerheads over the mark BIOCHEM. Zydus brought trademark infringement and passing-off lawsuit against Alder’s use of the mark ALDER BIOCHEM as its trade name. Zydus alleged that a) Alder’s use violated its intellectual property rights over the trademark BIOCHEM b) Alder’s adoption of…


Realistic costs ought to be awarded considering ever-increasing litigation expenses

Facts and Background The Plaintiffs, AstraZeneca, filed a suit (CS (Comm.) 101/2022) at the Delhi High Court seeking a permanent injunction to restrain the Defendant, Westcoast Pharmaceutical Works Limited from infringing their patent IN 297581. The Patent was for the novel compound Osimertinib, used for treating specific types of non-small cell lung cancer. In January…


Madras High Court orders removal of SUGUNA mark from Trademark Register

The Madras High Court was dealing with the cancellation petition filed by V. Lakshminarayanasamy, the Petitioner, who is the registered owner of the trademark in Class 7 for motors and fans. The Petitioner is aggrieved by the registration of an identical mark in favour of the Respondent, Siva Bhaskaren. This note discusses the contentions raised…


Jay Switches India Pvt Ltd vs. Sandhar Technologies Ltd & Ors

The claims define the scope of the invention and must be read along with the complete specification. Background The subject matter of the patent in this case is an “Air Tight Fuel Cap”. The patent, registered as patent no. 427110, involves a fuel cap designed to be secured intermittently to a fuel filler neck attached…


Navigating the Complexities of ‘HealthWashing’: Legal and Regulatory Perspectives in India

Healthwashing refers to marketing strategies that make products appear healthier by highlighting certain ingredients or qualities, while downplaying or omitting other less desirable aspects. This misleading practice can have significant implications, especially when consumers rely on these claims for decisions that impact their health. Terms like “all-natural,” “fat-free,” and “immunity-boosting” are used to create an…


Madras High Court cancels registration of ‘CIT’ mark denies claim of ‘honest and concurrent’ use.

The case involves a dispute between V. Rangasamy Naidu Educational Trust (Petitioner) and Parthasarathy Seniammal Educational Trust (Respondents) over the use of the trademark “CIT” in the field of education. The Petitioner claims use of the mark since 1956 and is the registered proprietor, seeks the cancellation of the Respondents’ registration of the mark in…


Use of terms “payment” and “transactions” does not automatically classify an invention as a Business Method

The case involves an appeal by COMVIVA TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED (C.A.(COMM.IPD-PAT) 492/2022) against the decision of the Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs. The Controller refused the patent application titled “Methods and Devices for Authentication of an Electronic Payment Card using Electronic Token” on the grounds that the claims were in the nature of a business…