The patent practice of the firm encompasses a fully packaged offering starting from searching, drafting, and filing of the Patent application to its prosecution followed by pre-grant and post-grant proceedings, dispute resolution, portfolio management, and renewal of patents.
Our Patent group is the perfect fusion of technology and proficiency in patent law, with a sound technical background in various areas such as biotechnology, chemistry, mechanical, electronics, electrical, pharmaceutical, computer software and renewable energy. Using case-specific strategies for patent protection, we provide our clients with the advice they need to stay competitive in the global and regional marketplace.
RNA is on the panel of various government-funded Research & Development organizations.
These include (TIFAC), (DRDO), (BCIL), (ICAR), (NIF), (NRDC), Ministry of Communication, and Information Technology. In addition, we also advise several global and Indian clients in the areas of life sciences, plant varieties, biological diversity, and bio-piracy.
We provide the full range of patent and related services including:

We conduct a range of comprehensive searches, from patentability searches, including the identification of relevant prior art (patent or non-patent), to freedom to operate for product launches and invalidity searches. Our searches are accompanied by a clear and straightforward analysis of the legal issues and assessment of risk.
Well versed with the procedural requirements of the different patent filing routes in India, including the PCT, our patent attorneys work closely with their clients to ensure that the scope of the claimed invention is appropriate and that patent office requirements are complied with within the prescribed periods. They also work closely with clients to overcome any objections that may be raised by the Examiner. Our approach is creative; we have a reputation for ‘thinking out of the box’ in order to achieve the best result for our client.
Patents are a valuable asset; sometimes, in fact, a company’s most valuable asset – a major source of the company’s revenue. Successful commercial exploitation is, therefore, critical. We specialize in advising clients on all aspects of patent commercialization, from conducting IP audits and due diligence exercises to negotiating a wide range of commercial transactions and drafting all relevant documentation.
Our patent lawyers have extensive experience in patent enforcement in India. They know their way around the local scene and will always ensure that the appropriate enforcement strategy is adopted and the appropriate court/forum chosen. At the outset, they provide clear advice to the client and always aim to secure the best, and most cost-effective, result possible.
We regularly provide expert opinions on patent validity and file opposition and revocation proceedings on behalf of our clients. We keep a regular watch on published applications and bring any conflicting patent applications to our clients’ attention, thus giving them the opportunity to oppose grants within the prescribed period.
We continue to invest in state-of-the-art IT infrastructure to ensure that all deadlines are adhered to. We manage portfolios for some of the world’s largest multi-national companies as well as for start-ups and individuals.